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Industrial processes as a prerequisite for the creation of new regulatory legal acts

Writer: Valentina BosenkoValentina Bosenko

Updated: Jul 4, 2021

Production has always combined several key stages and categories. Any global process receives regulation by controlling every small step carried out in the entire process. One of the most key stages is test methods, building a security system, as well as quality control of the materials and technologies used. Only if you follow all the recommendations for each of the above stages of production of any product, you can be sure of the quality of the final product as well as its compliance with international standards. To simplify the regulation of this process, such documents as international standards are being created. As more and more businesses and organizations go international, we advise you to familiarize yourself with some of the most key documents for manufacturing processes.

Fibre optic acti ve components and devices — Performance standards — Part 3: Modulator-integrated laser diode transmitters for 40-Gbit/s fibre optic transmission systems

IEC 62149–5:2020

The use of various materials, both in production and in any other type of business activity, is regulated by international standards, and there is a separate document for each technical specification. Further, we will talk about such an international standard suitable for this category as EN IEC 62149–5: 2020.

IEC 62149–5:2020 is available as IEC 62149–5:2020 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 62149–5:2020 specifies performance on the transceiver modules for asynchronous-transfer-mode passive optical network (ATM-PON) systems recommended by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in ITU-T Recommendation G.983.1. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2009 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: — description of types in Clause 4 has been removed; — titles of reference documents have been updated.

Since the document can be applied in a fairly wide number of areas and types of organizations, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its characteristics in detail on our website.

Radio-frequency con nectors — Part 1–4: Electrical test methods — Voltage standing wave ratio, return loss and reflection coefficient

IEC 61300–2–56:2020

Test methods are applied to different stages and technologies in organizations, which is why a separate international standard is created for each of them. The next document for the regulation of these processes is EN IEC 61300–2–56: 2020.

This standard describes the test procedure to test the wind resistance of a protective housing and its mounting hardware using the fastening parts recommended by the manufacturer. The protective housing is considered to have a cuboid shape. The applied force in this test procedure simulates a steady wind load from each direction to a protective housing and its mounting hardware fixed to a support.

Since at first glance, the technical specifics of each of the documents are difficult to distinguish without its practical application, we recommend that you consult with managers in the field of selection of international standardization in order to avoid the mistake of acquiring the wrong document.

Fibre optic interc onnecting devices and passive components — Basic test and measurement procedures — Part 2–56: Tests — Wind resistance of mounted housing

IEC 62443–3–2:2020

Compliance with international security rules both in the transfer of information and in the implementation of production processes is a very important issue for modern business, which is why this understanding is regulated by such international documents as EN IEC 62443–3–2: 2020.

IEC 62443–3–2:2020(E) establishes requirements for:

  • defining a system under consideration (SUC) for an industrial automation and control system (IACS);

  • partitioning the SUC into zones and conduits;

  • assessing risk for each zone and conduit;

  • establishing the target security level (SL-T) for each zone and conduit; and

  • documenting the security requirements.

Since interconnecting devices and passive components are used in a large number of organizations and production processes, this particular standard may apply to the regulation of the activities carried out by your company. That is why we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its parameters in more detail and think about introducing it into the scientific and technological base of your business.

An objective assessment of the possibility of organizational weaknesses can be the beginning of a new development path at the international level.

In order to understand the need to acquire and apply international standards, you need to objectively assess both the strengths and weaknesses of the organizational processes of your enterprise. Since international documents significantly increase confidence in the quality of the final product, then for the correct selection of an international standard it is necessary to ask the question “what parts of your business need to be strengthened and stimulated to reach new levels in the global understanding?”. If you are interested in a new vector of international development and want to significantly structure and facilitate this process, you can always contact the team of our managers who will help you choose the necessary document for your organization.


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